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Your Self Confidence Grows
It’s true! Confidence in your 30s is unlike the confidence you had in your 20s. It’s easier, it comes to you more naturally and feels so much more genuine and authentic.
You become more self aware and powerful in own skin with a greater sense of inner courage.
Believing in yourself starts to become a little easier and you start to realise you can do more than you ever really expected.
Friends For Life
Friendships made during your 20s may have come and gone. Sadly it’s typical for this to happen as people tend to move around more, especially after university/college.
The friendships you have in your 30s are often much more grounded and consistent.
The new ones you establish tend to be formed upon similar interests, genuine connection and great communication.
Any friendships that have made it through to your 30s are ones that you will feel confident to last.

You Know Who You Are
Prior to your 30s it’s much more common to have an identity crisis or two (or three).
To question who you are, what you want in life, your values and so much more. The list is quite endless!
But during your 30s comes an unexpected sense of knowing who you truly are.
Your likes and dislikes become so much clearer, and you’ll be more confident to express them!
Your personal style will become more apparent and you’ll know what suits you better.
Holidays Look A Little Different
The types of holidays you’ll start going on will be much more satisfying. Gone are the days of partying until sunrise every day! For the majority anyway…
More rest and relaxation will be sought as well as exploring and experiencing different cultures. Things like wellness retreats become much more appealing whilst the party scene.. not so much.
The great thing about holidays in your 30s is that generally you can afford to spend a little bit more on them too. You may find that you can afford to go up a star or two on where you are staying.
This is especially good as you’ll probably be wanting a little more comfort or luxury on your trips.
Self Acceptance
As we get older, naturally we become more comfortable with ourselves. Pair this with the increase in our confidence, and we have a perfect cocktail for self acceptance.
It becomes much easier for us to relax into ourselves and accept the things about us that we can’t change.
I find this such an empowering part of the process and it brings with it a gentle sense of relief.
You Discover New Hobbies
One of my favourite things about being in my 30s is that I’ve discovered new hobbies and so have many other 30 somethings that I know.
It’s as if we become awake to a new part of ourselves that picks up new hobbies more easily and passionately.
Personally for me my early 30s were all about trying new things and exploring different types of hobbies.
As I now sit nicely in the mid 30s range I’ve developed strong passions with particular hobbies. With these hobbies has also come a lot of new friendships and an ever increasing confidence and self belief.
Quality Over Quantity
The quality of things we like and want tends to become an important aspect that may not have been considered before.
Quality of everything from the food and drink we consume, our friendships, clothes, skincare products and even bedsheets.
My friends and I have discussed this unexpected aspect of being in our 30s, and all agree that quality holds greater value to us these days.

What Are The Best Things About Being In Your 30s?
I put this question to my Instagram community and really loved all the responses I got…
“Not giving a shit about other people’s opinions of me, having confidence in who I am.”
“Knowing your worth.”
“Finding beauty in what was previously mundane.”
“Calling on my own reliable experiences from my life until this point.”
“Relations: spending quality time with friends/family. Positivity and love: myself and above.”
“Having ice cream and left over pizza for breakfast and no one can stop me.”
“It’s not about external things.”
“Sense of understanding myself more. Not feeling so bad about cutting negativity out or saying no to plans. Balance essentially.”
Wow, this makes ME look forward to my 30s. Seems like an awesome point to be at. Lovely post, Alison. Keep it up!
Ah thank you and I’m so glad to hear that! You definitely have lots of things to look forward to 🙂
I agree with everything you said about the 30s. For me, it was even better in my 40s. That could be because I started having kids in my 30s, and those early years left me pretty overwhelmed. However, I’m finding that there are benefits to getting older.
That sounds great Carrie and yes I am starting to look forward to my next chapter and see what it has in store. I’m actually really enjoying ageing at the moment, I feel more and more myself everyday! So glad to hear that you are feeling the same and are feeling great in your 40s.
I’m nearing the last year of my 30’s and I can say that all this is very true. I definitely have better confidence to be myself and of my place in the world.
This is so great to hear! What an exciting time for you getting nearer to a new chapter… I hear 40s are possibly even better than 30s so here’s to that!
Great post! I’m at the end of my 30’s and I definitely agree with a lot of your points!
Thank you Amanda! I’m ready to embrace the second half of my 30s now. Here’s to new chapters for us all!
I agree with all your points! I feel like I’ve discovered and accepted myself more in the past few years than I ever had before. For anyone afraid to turn 30, don’t be! It’s an incredible time of our lives.
Yes Amanda!! 100% I couldn’t agree more, I feel as though my 20s were just fun and chaos, 30s things get really interesting and I think 40s will be even better 🙂
I can relate to all of these, as I look back on my 30s. The self-acceptance part is important. If you haven’t figured this out at this point in life, it’s always going to be disappointing. It was in my 30s that I started blogging too!
That’s amazing Margaret! I love that my post has been relatable for you, self acceptance is like finding life’s gold 🙂
I’m looking forward to my 30s , cant wait
They really are some great years!